Below you will see reviews completed by clients who have travelled with .We have the clients approval to use these surveys.
The surveys will give information on where clients have stayed and on what date they were in Malaga, Spain. It will then ask them, their name, email address and phone number (email address and phone number will be partly hidden to protect clients personal data). They will also rate questions from one to five with 5 excellent 4 Very Good 3 Average 2 Poor 1 Very Poor. It will inform you what clients thought of the accommodation , places that they ate, what the beaches were like and if suitable for kids. What the swimming pool was like and if suitable for children, the quality of the night life and things to do in the day.
Places to go.

When asking for places to eat it will ask them to name their best restaurant and best bar for a drink.
A very valid question is how far was your accommodation from the beach and whether they would need to use for a transfer or rent a car.
The information on how far from the accommodation to the beach is very important, as I have found in my experience, brochures and write ups are not always correct and in a lot of cases are very misleading so as to increase the booking rate for the said accommodation.
About the Party.
The survey will ask how many persons in your party and how long is your stay. What airline you used to get to and from your home airport to Malaga Airport. It will also ask you to name your favourite airline.
We try to inform on suitability for disabled persons, which again is not always forthcoming in brochures.We will ask was accommodation suitable for disabled persons and is swimming pool adapted for disabled use.
At the bottom of the form it asks for any other comments which I have found invaluable.
We ask all clients if we can use their survey.
The feedback from the surveys has helped us advise clients when asking questions by email or by telephone. I can now give an honest opinion on accommodation, restaurants and bars which I have transferred clients to, but never entered.
The survey will cover the whole of the Costa del Sol from Malaga airport to Gibraltar in the west and from Malaga airport to Nerja in the east.
Don’t forget John and Michael are available at office by email or telephone 0034 679 216 671 most days and more than happy to help in any way possible.