A healthy eating plan based on typical foods from Costa Del Sol recipes. The foods I am going to to talk about today will include vegetables, fruits, fish and whole grains. The Costa Del Sol diet reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other types of heart disease. This diet will include Spain’s favorite olive oil and red wine. The diet will lower your bad cholesterol and increase your good cholesterol. This diet can help with diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and reduce cancer rates. You will be eating mainly plant based foods. We will do away with butter and replace with canola oil and olive oil. Salt should be replaced with spices and herbs for achieving a nice flavor. Poultry and fish will be the main diet with red meat only two or three times a month. Red wine would be better than white but only in moderation. You will introduce pasta and rice. Bread is an important part of the Costa Del Sol diet but it’s not eaten with butter it is normally sprinkled with olive oil which does not contain saturated or trans fats. Nuts are healthy when eaten in moderation. A handful of nuts is considered fine because nuts are high in calories and the fat is not saturated. Almonds and Brazil nuts are considered the best.
The bad fats
Saturated fats and hydrogenated oils which are known as trans fats and are bad for you heart.
Healthy fats
Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat that helps lower Bad cholesterol (LDL). Extra virginolive oils are the least processed therefore it maintains all its goodness. Cancer fighting antioxidants are found in high numbers in extra virgin olive oil. Not many people realize you have two types of cholesterol good HDL and bad LDL. To increase your good cholesterol consume extra virgin olive oil, beans, whole grains, fatty fish, high fiber fruit, flax and nuts.
Facts on Cholesterol
Cholesterol is carried in the blood the good cholesterol HDL works like a vacuum cleaner. When your HDL is at a heathy level 60 milligrams/deciliter (anything below 40 isconsidered low) it starts to remove extra cholesterol and plaque in your arteries which then are sent to your liver to expel from your body.
Omega 3
Omega 3 fatty acids which are extremely good for you are found in fatty fish such as herring, tuna, trout, albacore, salmon, sardines and mackerel. Omega 3 lowers bad cholesterol LDL decreases blood clots which are all associated to strokes and sudden heart attacks. Omega 3 will improve your blood vessels which in turn will lower bloodpressure.
Easy things to remember on how to get started on The Costa Del Sol diet
Pass on butter, spice it up, go fish, rein in the red meat, eat your veg and fruit, choose low-fat dairy, go nuts and raise a glass of red wine to your new way of healthy living.